maandag 11 februari 2013

seeing is believing

The Believer is omnipresent. Not in a religious sense, as churches are gradually fading out of our society. But as somebody who believes in his own cause, making his own choices, setting his own goals, not distracted by expectations set by the outside world. The Believer is on a mission and creates his own truth. Driven by enthusiasm, faith and passion he is an amateur in the true sense of the word (from the Latin 'amator', 'lover'). The point of view of The Believer is unique and his intense focus disconnects his work from existing conventions. His belief is his life and sometimes they make a living doing it,but they really don't care if you call them professionals or hobbyists. They just do it.

They've always been around, but new media make their fascination easily visible. Sometimes a Believer gets picked up by a curator, as was the case with The Museum of Everything.

Dutch designer Christien Meindertsma puts the modest Loes Veenstra in the limelight by archiving and exhibiting her lifelong passion for knitting random sweaters.
The collected knittings of Loes Veenstra, cover and content
Bill Cunningham does only one thing: whenever he gets up, he takes his camera and his bikes on the streets of NYC and starts looking at the way people dress. He has a sharp eye and the ultimate embarrassment is "when you pass him & he doesn't take your picture". says Anna Wintour. He publishes in the NewYork Times and his observations are as educational as amusing. 
This week fashion is out of fashion, because it's New York Fashion Week. 
1984 Bill Cunningham, photo by Arthur Elgort
Also don't forget to watch the documentary about this heartwarming and inspiring man:

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