maandag 16 april 2012

Transient truth

Wiki truth
In her final exam project Kyra van Ineveld visualizes her so called “transient truth” in the shape of four gigantic Wikipedia encyclopedias were she touches upon the topic of the overload of information and the unattainable, never complete answer resulting in a constantly evolving truth.

Wiki Truth is a project in which the designer states that truth isn’t fixed anymore but transient. Quote: ‘The digital Wikipedia is dynamic, the information is created, changed, criticized, deleted and updated every second, we have to decide for ourselves when an answer is complete’.

This transient thruth is made tangible by making a physical encyclopedia that presents the evolution of four major Wikipedia subjects within a certain time slot. On the bottom of the book you read the first sentence that was ever written in this article; and at the top of the book you see the article as it is now. (and by the moment I write it, as it was than).

The encyclopedia is telling the story of transition.

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