woensdag 11 april 2012


A never ending story

Transition is about the dynamics of change.
There is a growing awareness (uneasyness?) of the increasingly speed in which information is updated and in which things evolve. The  fast expanding amount of available choices results in a need to get more grip. 

There seems to be a connection with the emerging attention for mindfulness courses where the focus is on the experience of the moment, the transition, promoting to exchange our western pro-active approach for a more Asian “being” or “laissé faire” attitude.

In the design world there is a fascination for the ephemeral and the temporal elements of a process, this mentality can be found in projects where the focus is on trying to capture and to archieve the process, to visualize the history of the process within the product itself. A shifting attention from the end result to everything that happens before, visualising the neglected moments. It is a reflective, philisophical approach, slightly linked to the art world.

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